Had a great time at Liberty Con this year.  Met a lot of talented folks, heard a lot of interesting panel discussions, and–finally–Cindy and I got to meet one of my personal heroes, Timothy Zahn.
I also met, and did an impromptu media assist, for author and scientist Travis Taylor.  Taylor has a lot of work under his belt, including fiction, non-fiction, and straight up text books.  This panel discussion centered around his Alien Invasion: How to Defend Earth.  A work in which he argues two highly probable likelihoods: aliens do exist and–if they come to Earth–they’ll probably be hostile.  He then went through several scenarios detailing humanity’s chances of putting together a suitable resistance.  Unsurprisingly, even with Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum on our side, things don’t look good. Â
His presentation was fun and engaging, and I can’t recommend the book enough. You can check it out here.
Superheroes in Prose Volume 10: Two Rocks and a Hard Place, on sale September 24th.