It’s taking me way longer to go through this thing than I thought. But here we go with PPSS # 58.
Page 3: A cop on a guard duty says, “A lot of mugs would like to get their hands on what we’re nurse maidin’.” I don’t know if I can use “nurse maidin’ in a similar context tomorrow. But I’m damn sure gonna try.
Page 5: Intro for the Ringer–a villain that turns city pollution into physical rings that he can attack/trap people with. I’ve never heard of this guy–very interesting. It may be cooler to turn him into a hero someday. Can you imagine? A hero’s powers that only work with pollution? The ups and downs of that story write itself.
Page 10: Spider-Man laughs after hearing the Ringer’s name (apparently he doesn’t think the villain is as cool as I do).
Last page: Peter gets to have another happy ending for a change. A fun read, probably the best in the omnibus so far.
Superheroes in Prose #11: The Princess of Atlantis on sale in the kindle store now!