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Sevan Paris


Gotham got off to a strong start this week.  Sure it had a few shortcomings, but–overall–the episode did exactly what a pilot should do: make you care about the characters and interest you enough to come back next week.


Gordan and Bullok were well done, though Gordon did seem a bit dry at times. I found myself hoping–praying–about halfway through that Fish wasn’t going to die because I really wanted to see what else Smith could do with the character.  The writing, Smith’s performance–or the combination of the two–really made her the most interesting.  I suppose her being new to me might have had something to do with it as well.

The sets were awesome.  Each one dense, with lots of props, and had really colorful and unique architecture.  The lighting, in turn, played well with them too.  It made Gotham … uncomfortable without making it too dreary.

As for the shortcomings … I could see the crises coming a mile away–Gordan lets Cobblepot go but appears to shoot him.  Gordan just isn’t the kind of cat that would do that … and I think even somebody unfamiliar with the character would have picked up on that tidbit from the rest of the time spent with him in the episode.  Still … it did prove better than the anti-climax I thought they were going to go with in the meat packing plant.

Catwoman’s appearances were too contrived, especially at the end.  It stretches one’s credulity pretty thin to think that she would have walked out to  Wayne Manor just to see Gordon drive off … especially since she can’t even afford a half-gallon of milk.

If you dig Gotham in the comics or even in any of the animated stuff, I would say give the show a chance and see where they take it.  Heck, even if you just dig crime dramas in general, it might be up your alley … depending on how sci-fi it gets.  Which–if Arrow and SHIELD are any indication–that seems to be more of what audiences want.

Superheroes in Prose Volume 10: Two Rocks and a Hard Place on sale October 29th



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