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Sevan Paris

Even though it’s going to cause a level of frustration that I can only describe as “Phantom Menace-ish,” Volume 9 of Superheroes in Prose is going to be pushed back until May 28th. Sorry for the delay, and trust me nobody thinks this sucks more than I do, but Cindy and I just bought a house. And getting settled in has taken a bit longer than I was prepared for.

In the meantime, here is a look at the first draft of the cover.  Thanks for your awesome patience and–as always–your even awesomer support.

Sevan Paris


I don’t have a horse in the marijuana legalization race, but I had to smile when I came across this article on CNN earlier.  In a nutshell, it reports the roughly 25% of the tax money earned from marijuana sales in Colorado will be going towards “the prevention of youth marijuana use.”  I imagine this was a contingency to get the stuff getting legalized to begin with, but still …

Best. Irony. Ever.

Superheroes in Prose Volume 9: 8-Bit Hero on sale April 30th.

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