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Sevan Paris

Hey, everybody, Superheroes in Prose Volume 10: Two Rocks and a Hard Place is going to be a month late.  The new release date is October 29th.  Sorry for the delay … but it still needs a bit more awesome sauce.

As always, thanks for your support!

Sevan Paris

I haven’t been using Twitter much, but I’ve finally decided it’s time to give it a shot. Usually all of my geeky comments or thoughts on current events can be summed up in less that a sentence or two, so it seems to be more ideal than blog feeds (a space where people tend to be looking for just the opposite).  As for the ideas that are more complicated than a couple of sentences … those tend to find their thematic way into one of my books anyway.

If you want to follow me on Twitter, my ID is Sevan_Paris.  As always, thanks for the support!


Superheroes in Prose Volume 10: Two Rocks and a Hard Place on sale September 24th.

Sevan Paris

This is a pic of a protest against a person spying on Germany for the U.S.  If the similarities are intentional, I gotta say it’s awesome.  If this is just some lose in translation thing … even awesome-r.


Superheroes in Prose Volume 10: Two Rocks and a Hard Place, on sale September 24th. 

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