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Sevan Paris

Space Pulp cover final

Because every geeky writer worth the name has to do something space-y at some point, I’m pleased to announce my new book–Space Pulp!–will be released on Amazon next month.  Like the title suggests, it’s space opera with heaps of thrills, rocket ships, and pew!-pew! guns.  I’m going to post an excerpt next week, but here is a taste for now:

When you’re a rocket ship captain, you learn to expect the unexpected.  

A routine charting mission can turn into the discovery of a sentient wormhole.  A Hedgmonian diplomat may possess your first officer and then try to assassinate you.  The Queen of Ridgimon IX may take you as her concubine and impregnate you with her seed. 

But still … when you’re suddenly ordered to the fleet admiral’s office twenty-four hours before you’re due to ship out, it’s enough to give even the most seasoned pause.  The Federacy doesn’t make hasty decisions, but they do give orders with little to no warning.  Orders that can turn your life upside down, back to front, or—literally—inside out.

My name is Patrick Starson and here’s what happened …

Sevan Paris

The release date for Superheroes in Prose Volume 11: The Princess of Atlantis is April 9th.  Sorry about the delay, but I have two other releases hitting at the same time.  I thought the books could benefit from–what 30 Rock’s Jack Donaghy refers to as–the “synergy.”  Details on the other two titles will be coming soon.  In the meantime, here is the cover for SHIP #11

Attractive UFO woman
Sevan Paris


Finally getting back to the Roger Stern Omnibus commentary.  This time, I dive into PPSS 54: “To Save the Smuggler”

Page 1: A shootout on the street causes Spidey to make a passing reference to Police Surgeon (a TV show way before my time … I had to look it up to see what it was).

Page 2: Spidey rips one of those annoying temporary steel plate things from the road … something I wanna do every time I drive over one of the damn things.

Page 3: A bad guy says, “Why don’t we just ice him now?”  I wish bad guys still talked like that.  It would be awesome.

Page 4: A bystander that’s a little too close to gunfire says, “Oh, my golly.” I’m glad people no longer talk like that.

Page 9: A reference to what’s going on currently in Amazing Spidey.  It’d be cool to see stuff like that again.

Page 13:  Spidey takes the time to web a guy’s mouth to keep him from talking.  Turns out later the guy is a mute.  An awesome gag by Stern.

Page 14: Spidey turns a guy’s head to a 90 degree angle when he punches him.  How he’s still alive, I’ll never know.

Last page: Just when it looks like the story will end with the usual bad Parker luck, Spidey turns the situation around.  A neat way to turn the formula on its ear.

Superheroes in Prose Volume 11: The Princess of Atlantis on sale soon

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