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Sevan Paris

Obviously, this review isn’t very timely.  The movie has been out for a couple of years.  I caught the trailer around the time of the flick’s release and never really thought much about it.  In hindsight, I suppose the trailer made the movie seem too weird.  And don’t get me wrong, the geek in me digs a lot of weird stuff.  But Horns seemed like it was being weird just for the sake of being weird.  After seeing it last night, I can honestly say that–even though the movie does have an unusual premise–it delivers on that premise with an exceptional amount of heart.

If you think that you’d dig a sort of contemporary fairytale with a lot of interesting things to say–and ask–about honesty, check out Horns.  I can’t imagine you’ll be disappointed.

Sevan Paris

If someone had told me, back when The Lord of the Rings flicks came out, that Jackson would later make a Hobbit movie … I would have said, “awesome.”  If somebody told me he was going to split it into three films, I would have said, “huh?”  If somebody told me I wouldn’t even be able to sit through the last film, I would have said, “no way–that’s crazy.” Well, last night things got crazy. I only watched half of Battle of the Five Armies.  It was just so … bland.  I really only cared about the Bibo and Gandalf stuff.  As for the other forty-two characters, or whatever, I found myself just mentally checking out.  It really surprised me that I could have gone from caring so much about a world to caring so little–especially since it was from the same director.  The only thing I know to compare it to is the Star Wars prequels. At least there weren’t any midichlorians.

Superheroes in Prose #12: Days of Future Present on sale this weekend!

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