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Sevan Paris

I finally got around to checking out Powers’ first couple of episodes.  Bendis wasn’t the first writer to deconstruct what kind of real impact super powers would have on a person’s life, but he certainly had one of the most interesting takes.  All of the comic’s fun and thought-provoking stuff made its way over … but I wish the look of the show had a little more personality.  It’s not that what you’re seeing on screen is bad … it’s just a tad bland.  Fortunately the writing and performances carry everything well enough that I still wanna stick around.

Sevan Paris

Evan Underwood had it all planned out. College, picket fences, two-point-five kids. A normal life. Then, he got sent to the Aquarium, Prose’s new high school for kids with Superpowers.

Vignette figured her best days were behind her. Then, she got the top job at the Aquarium. She wants to make the most of her second chance, but Evan Underwood and his mysterious, dangerous powers threaten the students, the school, and her new job.

Can Vignette uncover Evan’s secrets before it’s too late? Can he be convinced the Aquarium is where he needs to be?

Or will Evan Underwood remain Peerless?

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