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Sevan Paris

I picked up this book at HeroesCon after attending a panel by some of the authors.  If you’re interested by the nuances of Star Wars, the ideas of Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell, or would just enjoy thinking about the ideas of Star Wars through a super-interesting and thought-proving psychological lens, definitely check this book out. It would be easily at home in a college classroom, a geek’s bookshelf, or a self-help section at Barns and Noble.

Space Pulp #2: Menace of the Space Zombies on sale September 30th!

Sevan Paris

Perhaps it was because of all the

changes Suicide Squad had at the last minute, but the dialogue really felt off-rhythm a few moments in this movie.  As a result, you would often have long, awkward pauses punctuating some of the wedged-in humor.

Don’t let that keep you from the movie though.  It’s still fun and getting the chance to see a live-action Harley Quinn is worth the price of admission alone. Just don’t go in expecting a dark action comedy on the level of Deadpool.

Space Pulp #2: Plight of the Blood Slaves on sale September 30th!

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