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Sevan Paris

This monster of a branch fell from one of my trees yesterday and imbedded into the ground like a lawn dart from hell.  I’m not saying it takes the courage of Batman to mow my yard … but it at least takes the courage of Booster Gold.

Superheroes in Prose #15 on sale in June!

Sevan Paris

There aren’t many anime I gravitate towards.  I generally don’t like the way they’re paced or the tone is inconsistent (super-serious and mature one moment and very childish the next).  I recognize what they do and that many of them do it well.  It’s just simply not my thing.

There are a couple however that I really dig, such as Cowboy Bebop and–as you might have guessed–Ghost in the Shell.  I’ve been excited about seeing this live-action adaptation since I heard of its release and, I’ve gotta say, I thought the movie was really well done.  The action is pretty and fun.  It captures the philosophy of the story without overstaying its welcome.  And, above all, the filmmakers did a great job Westernizing the story without losing any of the essential Ghost in the Shell elements.  It’s a shame that it’s not doing well in the U.S.

If you’re on the fence, get off.  Go see it.

Superheroes in Prose #15 on sale in June!

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