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Sevan Paris

SHIELD ended its latest season, not with one bang–but with several.  Ghost Rider’s bad assery came second only to Coulson’s.  The Ada comeuppance was equally satisfying and unsettling (plus apparently didn’t come cheap).  And most of the characters have a lot of interesting baggage to carry them into the next season.

The only thing left by the wayside was Radcliffe  His selflessness at the end–his repeated selflessness–wasn’t acknowledged by anybody.  I know that dude did some bad things, but I think he deserved at least the tiniest shout-out by Daisy and/or Yo-Yo.

Even being a raging Whedon fan, this show continues to surpass my expectations.  I can’t wait to see where the next season goes.

Superheroes in Prose 15 on sale in June !

Sevan Paris

I don’t know what’s going on in this panel … but I’m reasonably certain Superman’s being a jerk about it.

Superheroes in Prose 15 on sale in June!

Sevan Paris

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 is like a million count crayon box with a whole buncha heart.  Vol 1 was one of those rare gems that very little will top–including its successor–but anybody who dug the first one won’t be disappointed by the second.  And you’re definitely gonna leave the theatre with a big ol’ dumb grin on your face.

Superheroes in Prose 15 on sale in June!

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